Jordana Schaeffer

MM Woodwinds and Brass (Flute), Spring 2021
Flutist Jordana Schaeffer is a native of Pennsylvania and received her Bachelor of Music Education degree with honors from The Pennsylvania State University where she studied with Dr. Naomi Seidman. During her time at Penn State, Jordana won the Philharmonic Orchestra Concerto Competition, earned the Performance Recognition Award, the School of Music Director’s Award, and was a member of the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Orchestra, and a member of the renowned Penn State marching Blue Band. In addition, Jordana has interned with organizations such as the Baltimore Symphony OrchKids outreach program, and El Sistema as an educator. She has performed in master classes with artists such as Lorna McGhee, Keith Underwood, Terri Sundberg, Julien Beaudiment, Alice Dade, and many more. Ms. Schaeffer is currently pursuing her MM in flute performance at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she studies with Jill Felber.