Example First Quarter Schedule
(this will vary by desired major and previously completed coursework)
Music 3A, Introduction to Music Studies (for Music Majors)
Music 4A, Musicianship - You will drop this during the first week of classes if you place at a higher level after taking the placement exam. You will pick up this series wherever you placed. It is advised that you take the 4A-B-C classes concurrently with 5A-B-C.
Music 5A, Music Theory - You will not register for this class until after you take the Music Theory and Musicianship Placement Exams. If you place at a higher level after taking the placement exam, you will register for the appropriate class in the next available quarter it is offered. If you placed into Music 11, Fundamentals of Music, you should register for this class at this time. If Music 11 is full and you are an entering declared Music Major, contact the undergraduate advisor for an add code.
Music 31A, Class Piano - You may drop this the first week of classes if you place at a higher level after taking the class piano audition or switch into a higher level class.
Music 20-33, Individual Instruction - Choose the appropriate course number for your instrument or voice. BM students must register for 3 units, and BA students and composition students must register for 1 unit.
A Performance Ensemble, Music A34-A70AA-ZZ - this may vary; choose from the selection on your requirement sheet or if you are considering a switch from BA to BM, take the requirement for BM.
French, German or Italian, Primarily applicable to voice and piano majors who are required to take one or more of these languages for their degree program. However, all students at UCSB will need to complete a language proficiency requirement, which may have been met in high school. If you have not met the requirement, these are the languages most music students are advised to study.