Support the Department of Music

Our alumni, parents, and friends provide essential support for teaching, research, and program needs. The department benefits from annual unrestricted support and major gifts designated for special purposes. Your generosity plays a critical role in our ability to fulfill our mission and is truly appreciated. Every gift counts.

There are many ways to support the Department of Music. When donating online, you may designate your gift as a general gift to the "Department of Music" or you may specify the area, ensemble, scholarship, or program that you wish to support with your donation. Please make this designation in the "comments" section of the online form. Unrestricted support allows the Department to allocate funds to support the highest priority needs of the department.

Make a donation to Music

Listed below are some of our highest priorities:

  • Student Fellowships
  • Student Performances
  • Student Instruments
  • Masterclasses
  • Carl Zytowski Vocal Award
  • Chamber Choir Tour Fund

Ways to Give

We invite you to support the Department of Music at UC Santa Barbara. Each gift to the Department of Music can be designed to coincide with the donor's interests, to achieve the donor's vision and goals while meeting the mission and the highest priority needs of the Department. In making a gift to the Department of Music, each donor may express his or her wish to designate a gift to any priority area within the Department. For more information kindly contact Leslie Gray, Senior Director of Development, at (805) 893-4193 or

You can make your gift through any of the following convenient methods:



You may make your contribution now via our secure online giving website,

envelope icon

Mail or Phone

You may also make a gift by phone or mail. If you are interested in making a gift or have any questions about the vehicles for your investment, please contact Leslie Gray, Senior Director of Development, at (805) 893-4193 or If you wish to send a check, please contact Leslie Gray first to find out how to make out your check. We look forward to working with you to meet your philanthropic goals.

Mailing address: 
Leslie Gray
Senior Director of Development
Office of Development
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2013

Giving Opportunities

photo of choir members singing

The UCSB Chamber Choir Touring Fund

The UCSB Chamber Choir is the flagship choral ensemble at UCSB, representing excellence in vocal talent, musicianship, and professionalism. The Chamber Choir builds recruitment interest and alumni relationships through yearly domestic and international tours. Please support our future tours of the California Central Coast('24), New England('25), and Japan('26). To give to this fund, please note "Chamber Choir Touring Fund" in your kind donation.

Carl Zytowski teaching

Carl Zytowski Vocal Award

On the occasion of the UCSB Schubertians' 20th Anniversary Concert on February 19, 1984, Schubertian alumni established the Carl Zytowski Vocal Award in honor of their director and mentor, Carl Zytowski. Through the years this fund has awarded many vocal students in UCSB’s Department of Music. In November of 2019, almost a year after Carl’s passing, the Schubertians came together to celebrate their beloved professor with a memorial concert in his honor. Many Schubertian alumni traveled across the country to UC Santa Barbara, to pay their respects to Carl and sing together in their group’s original venue, Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall. They also came together to create renewed interest in the Carl Zytowski Vocal Award, paying homage to Carl and his support of Music students throughout his years of teaching and beyond. If you would like to help continue Carl Zytowski’s legacy, please consider making a contribution to this award.