UCSB Music Faculty Ben Levy Extends International Dialogue on Music Theory

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Alessandra Villegas
Marketing and Communications Manager
December 5, 2023
Ben Levy, Associate Professor of Music Theory at the University of California, Santa Barbara, recently delivered the prestigious "Conférence de prestige" at the University of Montreal in Canada. The event, held November 7, 2023, was part of a Festival commemorating the centennial of the influential composer György Ligeti. Organized by the Musée des Beaux-Arts Montréal at Bourgie Hall, the festival attracted music enthusiasts and scholars from around the world.
As a featured guest, Professor Levy engaged in an insightful interview with Christophe Huss, the lead music critic for the renowned newspaper Le Devoir. The interview delved into Levy's expertise and contributions to the field of music theory. Furthermore, he addressed a captivated audience during a public lecture as an integral part of the festival and contributed to the festival's program booklet by penning an introduction.
Those interested in delving deeper into Levy's insights can access the translated piece here. Further materials related to his talk can also be accessed here.
The University of Montreal festival isn't the only international stage where Ben Levy is sharing his expertise. He is concurrently leading a seminar at the Schoenberg Center in Vienna this fall and later this winter, he is scheduled to present a lecture there.
Reflecting on the experience, Professor Ben Levy expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic reception of his lectures and the opportunity to engage with a diverse audience interested in his work. As he continues his seminar in Vienna and prepares for upcoming lectures, Levy remains a prominent figure at the intersection of music theory and international academia.
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